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Hucknall Housing Ltd. was formed in 2017 by Christian friends from Watnall Road Baptist Church who wanted to respond to the need for good quality, affordable housing in the town.

Those first investors enabled a house to be purchased and a Syrian family has been living in that house since November 2017.

  • Hucknall Housing wishes to be a responsible landlord.
  • The financial model is based on reasonable rent based on the local housing allowance rate.
  • The minimum investment is £100 and investors can select a term of 1 to 5 years. The longer the term, the more people we can house.
  • Interest is payable annually to investors with the capital repaid on the termination of the loan.
  • Interest is fixed for the term of the loan and is paid annually net of basic rate income tax.

We now urgently need more investors to enable more houses to be purchased.

 “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay them for their deed”
Proverbs 17:19

To register your interest in investing in Hucknall Housing please email: hucknallhousing@wrbc.co.uk  

or call: 07941 444709 

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